Sunday, November 29, 2009

I have brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. My skin is light w/ few freckles what color should i d

Like i said brown curly hair bright blue eyes ans some freckles. I don't really want to go lighter so darker would be better. I don't want balck hair so maybe i can get some help.

I have brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. My skin is light w/ few freckles what color should i dye my hair

I LOVEEEE light skin with jet black hair. It's just that some people can't pull it off and they look like a ghost!

So maybe just try an eight wash first before you get it done to see what happens.

That's my advice!

Good luck.

I have brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. My skin is light w/ few freckles what color should i dye my hair

I would suggest a burgandy red :]

I have brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. My skin is light w/ few freckles what color should i dye my hair

Ooooh. With fair skin and blue eyes, I would go with a dark reddish-brown. Maybe Katie Holme's color. Your eyes would just pop.

I have brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. My skin is light w/ few freckles what color should i dye my hair

dont listen to the girl under me ur gonna look sooo pale!

I have brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. My skin is light w/ few freckles what color should i dye my hair


I have brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. My skin is light w/ few freckles what color should i dye my hair

I would say a dark burgundy red.

I have brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. My skin is light w/ few freckles what color should i dye my hair

I think this depends on the look you're going for. For instance... How a person dresses, and how a person wears their makeup, plays a huge role in what color you want your hair to be.

I have fairly fair skin, and bright green eyes. If you're pretty conservative, I'd suggest going a little lighter than you already have it. If you're looking for a louder, more hip, modern look, I'd suggest a 'medium auburn'. It looks excellent with fair skin and light eyes. That's the color I have. It tends to look a little bit more red in the sun, but if you're going over your color without stripping it first, it won't be too bold of a difference. It'll be subtle but pretty. Now, if you're looking for drastic change, you can always go burgundy, or black. Burgundy is a pretty color, that I've tried a few times, myself, but I stay away from colors that are really dark. They tend to make you look goth, no matter how you do your makeup or what you wear. Oh, also,(this is very important). Once you dye your hair black, there's no going back unless you strip your hair completely. This will make it very dry, brittle, and straw-like to the touch. Avoid black unless you're 110% sure you're going to like it.

My final opinion, even though it's pretty hard to say, being as I don't actually know what you look like, is to go for the medium auburn. If you really don't like it, it's very easy to go back to your own color without having to strip it completely.

Good luck!

I have brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. My skin is light w/ few freckles what color should i dye my hair

honey mist auburn forsure

hahahhhahaha ;)

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