Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have dark blue hair, what suits me? Make up wise and colour wise?

Here is a picture =

What would suit me make-up wise? Bearing in mind I'm quite Emo?

I have dark blue hair, what suits me? Make up wise and colour wise?

I can't see your picture.

I have dark blue hair, what suits me? Make up wise and colour wise?

any way other than how you're wearing it in that picture, it looks horrendous!

I have dark blue hair, what suits me? Make up wise and colour wise?

very cute actually well id say if your emo trip pants, skinny jeans band shirt from hot topic but i say the best color that would go with you blue hair is either blue, red, or black id perfer red but whatever and makeup just dont go too bright dark blue purple black whatever suits you

I have dark blue hair, what suits me? Make up wise and colour wise?

Go for a darker lip or lighten your eyes. The contrast is too much. You could try really dark blue eyeliner and mascara, and maybe pale blue shades of shadow. If your eyeliner line was thinner it would be more flattering. Wearing too many dark colors around your eyes, and eyeshadow applied too thick, makes your eyes look smaller. You're very pretty, so you don't need too much makeup to look good. A little less would make a bolder statement.

I have dark blue hair, what suits me? Make up wise and colour wise?

When you look at the color wheel you have your three basic(red, blue and yellow) right? when you put those together you get(purple, green and orange) right? OK! now, when I was in school I remember my art teacher telling us that the colors(of those 6) that compliment each other are opposite on the color wheel. I guess that is why you can always find red with green, blue-orange and yellow-purple. good luck with finding some orange that looks good on you. Maybe you should have thought about that before you dyed your hair blue. Black is good with anything.

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