Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why do Coptic Orthodox Christians have a dark (dark hair, and olive skin) complexion with blue/green

I know they are "the original Egyptians" as far as i'm concerned. They were there even before the conquest of Arabs. The reason why i ask is: The Coptic Christians i know have similar features: Dark brown/black hair, and blue or green eyes. I was wondering where they are actually originated from. They don't look like Muslim Egyptians. If anyone can recommend a book on anthropological side of Muslim and Coptic Orthodox Egyptians, it will be greatly appreciated. THANKS!

Why do Coptic Orthodox Christians have a dark (dark hair, and olive skin) complexion with blue/green eyes?

In palestine and Lebanon, blue, green eyes are VERY common, even if the people are tanned skinned. They didnt mix with the muslim egyptians so their features stayed dominant

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